Ingiltere de yeni bir dondurma cesidi cikmis. Viagra dondurma! Adi da Vice cream imis..Icinde istah(!) arttirici Gingko Biloba, guarana ve arigine bitki ozleri bulunyormus. (viagra yok yani) 12 Pound fiyatinda Selfridges magazalarinda satilacak dondurma kisi basi 1 adetmis. 17 lik kizlarla evlenenTurk isadamlarina duyurulur:) Bu arada bu urun 18+
Selfrdiges is introducing new kind of ice cream called Viagra ice crem= Vicecream. It s an ice cream coctail including ingredients to get you in the mood such as Guarana, Gingko Biloba and arigine. It will be served to customer that are 18 and older and will only be served one per person. And its green as one would think it d be blue:)
Selfrdiges is introducing new kind of ice cream called Viagra ice crem= Vicecream. It s an ice cream coctail including ingredients to get you in the mood such as Guarana, Gingko Biloba and arigine. It will be served to customer that are 18 and older and will only be served one per person. And its green as one would think it d be blue:)
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