Hayir bu yeni bir koleksiyon adi degil... Bu bizim hayatimizin tam ortasindaki yakisikli ( eskiden inek tipli), zevk sahibi, ikonizer, bizlere hergun yeni ilham veren canimiz Marc Jacobs`in mutlu gununun anonsudur. Bu haftasonu mutlu ciftimiz Provincetown, Massachusetts`te muratlarina erip tek yastikta kocayacaklarmis. Bilmeyenler icin soyleyelim Provincetown Amerika`nin gay populasyonuyla meshur sahil kasabasidir. Torene hic kimse davetli degilmis fakat toren sonrasindaki after party e eminim ki Madonna`dan, Sean Connery`e herkes davetli olacaktir.. Ben herkesin mutlu oldugu secimler yapmasindan taraf birisi olarak onlari gonulden kutluyorum.. Ayrica bizi yarattigi cantalarla kiyafetlerle parfumlerle mutlu eden birisi haketmiomu sizcede??? Lorenzo 30, Marc`cigimiz 46 bu arada:) Darisi aski arayanlarin basina;)
Our beloved LV creative designer Marc Jacobs (46) and his Brazilian fiance (30) Lorenzo Martone are planning on getting married this weekend in Provincetown, Massachusetts. We heard that the nuptials are gonna take place at a private ceremony but theres gonna be some hardcore partying afterwards. Well we are talking about the BFF of all the celebutantes here..Of course he s goin to celebrate..I love him, and his designs.. He turns everything gold he touches.. I wish them the best of luck.. They are both pretty good looking btw:)
Our beloved LV creative designer Marc Jacobs (46) and his Brazilian fiance (30) Lorenzo Martone are planning on getting married this weekend in Provincetown, Massachusetts. We heard that the nuptials are gonna take place at a private ceremony but theres gonna be some hardcore partying afterwards. Well we are talking about the BFF of all the celebutantes here..Of course he s goin to celebrate..I love him, and his designs.. He turns everything gold he touches.. I wish them the best of luck.. They are both pretty good looking btw:)
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