Los Angeles Westwood da bulunan duvar icine oyulmus mezarliktaki Marilyn Monroe`nun mezarinin ustundeki crypt satilikmis. Zamaninda Marilyn in sevgilisi meshur beyzbolcu Joe Di Maggio beni oraya yuzustu gomun, ona bakmak istiorum oldugumde bile demis. Simdi o alan ebay da satiliyor. Su anki fiyati 4 milyon dolar kusur.. Sahibi olan bayan ev borclarini odemek ve cocuklarina temiz bir gecmis birakmak istiyormus, Joe Di Maggio icin ise ayni mekanda farkli bir mezar dusunmusler. Son zamanlarda kaybettigimiz melek Farah Fawcett ve diger bircok unlu nun son destinasyonu burasi.. Eminim Hollywood ikonuyla komsu olmak isteyen cok insan vardir...
This is a lifetime and into eternity opportunity.. This crypt in the famous Westwood cemetery currently occupied above Marilyn Monroe is being acutioned off on Ebay so the owner can pay up her mortgage payments. Above her is Joe DiMaggio her long time lover.. The bid is around 4 million something dollars right now.. Hugh Heffner also bought a crypt next to Marilyn and calls this offer too sweet yo pass up.. Yeah..Kinda creepy tho..
This is a lifetime and into eternity opportunity.. This crypt in the famous Westwood cemetery currently occupied above Marilyn Monroe is being acutioned off on Ebay so the owner can pay up her mortgage payments. Above her is Joe DiMaggio her long time lover.. The bid is around 4 million something dollars right now.. Hugh Heffner also bought a crypt next to Marilyn and calls this offer too sweet yo pass up.. Yeah..Kinda creepy tho..
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