En sevdigim rap hip hop muzigin 3 super yorumcusu bir araya gelmis, gucleri birlestirmis, sonbaharin en cool single ini yayinlamislar derim ben.. Jay Z nin bitmek bilmeyen emeklilik surecinin yeni urunu Blueprint 3 albumunun son sarkisi Kanye ve Rihanna ile..Her ipodda bulunmasi gerekir hemen..Sarkinin adi Run this town, bu sehri biz isletioruz gibilerinden.. Biraz igneleyici olmus ki zira bence oyleler..
Yooo yoo, so its Rihanna Jay Z and Kanye ( not in any specific order) brand new single Run this town. Im obsessed with these 3 hip hop, rap icons.. Best single of this fall so far.. Its on repeat on my ipod...
Yooo yoo, so its Rihanna Jay Z and Kanye ( not in any specific order) brand new single Run this town. Im obsessed with these 3 hip hop, rap icons.. Best single of this fall so far.. Its on repeat on my ipod...
As Rihanna says ` Victory`s within the mile`...
we gonna run this town yeahhhh :) bnde severek dinliyorum