29 Ağustos 2009 Cumartesi

You gotta fight for your right to party!!

Beastie Boys un Adam `MCA` Yauch i (44) kanser olmus:(

So MCA is cancer stricken, but they are more like beastie old men for me..they still rock tho

28 Ağustos 2009 Cuma

Time Traveler`s Wife

Bu film ulkemize ne zaman giris yapicak acaba.. cok useniorum arastirmaya..bilen yokmu?? Rachel varsa aglamak farz..

Nothin major, just bitchin about the release date of this chick flick here.. I heart Rachel MacAdams .. Anyone remember Mean Girls?

Coffee Break

Ne tatli bisey buu.. nerden bulunur nasil alinir acaba?

Such a cute espresso set...not a big coffee gal here, but still..it d be cool to serve guests with this cute set

26 Ağustos 2009 Çarşamba

I carry your heart with me

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which
grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can
and this is the wonder keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart ( I carry it in my heart)

E. E. Cummings

Desperate Ads for Desperate Housewives

Bu dizi oyle bir dizi ki , kanallari gezerken rastlar ve izlemeye baslarsaniz aninda anliyorsunuz neler dondugunu mahallede..Cunku hicbisey olmuyor..Yinede izlerim arada denk geldikce.. Ama hikaye o kadar dallanip budaklandi ki, 6. sezon icin resim cektirmis eriskin genc ablalarimiz.. Eva disinda hepsi has-been derim ben.en kotu elbiseyi de ona bilerek vermisler bence.

Is anyone still watchin Desperate Housewives? These are the season 6 promo ads. I say they are decent but boring just like the series.. Eva is hot altho they didnt do her justice with that dress i say.. anyways.. for u to judge

22 Ağustos 2009 Cumartesi


Ben bu makyaj sonrasi parilti dokunuslarinin fanlarindanim.. Yazin son gunlerinde o isiltiyi yakalamak icin guzel bir urun. Maskara ve ruj disindaki her urunde Clinique kullaniyorum. Bu da en sevdigim urunlerin basinda geliyor.. Yurtdisinda 22 dolar bizde ne kadar fikrim yok. Deneyen begenenler?

Its called Up-Lighting Liquid Illuminator.. Such a fancy scmanzy name for a lil sparkling liquid:) I love it tho, it s giving you that last refreshing touch that every girl needs before they leave the house.. Adore it.. Im all about Clinique.. I buy anything they make.. Also Estee fan at times, knowing they are owned by the same people..

Eye candy:)

21 Ağustos 2009 Cuma

Valentine`s Day

Jennifer Garner ve Ashton Kutcher Valentine`s day isimli yeni bir romantik komedinin cekimlerine baslamislar. Risk almaktan korkan unlulerin duragi gibi geliyor bana rom-kom lar.. Bakiniz Jennifer Aniston.. Renee Zellweger.. Julia Roberts... Neyseki Ashton Kutcher i severiz begeniriz izleriz de... Kesin 14 subattir gosterim tarihi diye dusunmekten kendimi geri alamiyorum..

Jennifer Garner and Ashton Kutcher are starring in a romantic comedy called Valentine`s Day.. Not much to say since they are both chick flick actors and Ashton is hot..

Crypt above Marilyn Monroe sold on EBAY!

Los Angeles Westwood da bulunan duvar icine oyulmus mezarliktaki Marilyn Monroe`nun mezarinin ustundeki crypt satilikmis. Zamaninda Marilyn in sevgilisi meshur beyzbolcu Joe Di Maggio beni oraya yuzustu gomun, ona bakmak istiorum oldugumde bile demis. Simdi o alan ebay da satiliyor. Su anki fiyati 4 milyon dolar kusur.. Sahibi olan bayan ev borclarini odemek ve cocuklarina temiz bir gecmis birakmak istiyormus, Joe Di Maggio icin ise ayni mekanda farkli bir mezar dusunmusler. Son zamanlarda kaybettigimiz melek Farah Fawcett ve diger bircok unlu nun son destinasyonu burasi.. Eminim Hollywood ikonuyla komsu olmak isteyen cok insan vardir...

This is a lifetime and into eternity opportunity.. This crypt in the famous Westwood cemetery currently occupied above Marilyn Monroe is being acutioned off on Ebay so the owner can pay up her mortgage payments. Above her is Joe DiMaggio her long time lover.. The bid is around 4 million something dollars right now.. Hugh Heffner also bought a crypt next to Marilyn and calls this offer too sweet yo pass up.. Yeah..Kinda creepy tho..

20 Ağustos 2009 Perşembe

Jay&Kanye&RiRi!!! Run this town

En sevdigim rap hip hop muzigin 3 super yorumcusu bir araya gelmis, gucleri birlestirmis, sonbaharin en cool single ini yayinlamislar derim ben.. Jay Z nin bitmek bilmeyen emeklilik surecinin yeni urunu Blueprint 3 albumunun son sarkisi Kanye ve Rihanna ile..Her ipodda bulunmasi gerekir hemen..Sarkinin adi Run this town, bu sehri biz isletioruz gibilerinden.. Biraz igneleyici olmus ki zira bence oyleler..

Yooo yoo, so its Rihanna Jay Z and Kanye ( not in any specific order) brand new single Run this town. Im obsessed with these 3 hip hop, rap icons.. Best single of this fall so far.. Its on repeat on my ipod...

As Rihanna says ` Victory`s within the mile`...

Marc Jacobs for Lorenzo Martone

Hayir bu yeni bir koleksiyon adi degil... Bu bizim hayatimizin tam ortasindaki yakisikli ( eskiden inek tipli), zevk sahibi, ikonizer, bizlere hergun yeni ilham veren canimiz Marc Jacobs`in mutlu gununun anonsudur. Bu haftasonu mutlu ciftimiz Provincetown, Massachusetts`te muratlarina erip tek yastikta kocayacaklarmis. Bilmeyenler icin soyleyelim Provincetown Amerika`nin gay populasyonuyla meshur sahil kasabasidir. Torene hic kimse davetli degilmis fakat toren sonrasindaki after party e eminim ki Madonna`dan, Sean Connery`e herkes davetli olacaktir.. Ben herkesin mutlu oldugu secimler yapmasindan taraf birisi olarak onlari gonulden kutluyorum.. Ayrica bizi yarattigi cantalarla kiyafetlerle parfumlerle mutlu eden birisi haketmiomu sizcede??? Lorenzo 30, Marc`cigimiz 46 bu arada:) Darisi aski arayanlarin basina;)

Our beloved LV creative designer Marc Jacobs (46) and his Brazilian fiance (30) Lorenzo Martone are planning on getting married this weekend in Provincetown, Massachusetts. We heard that the nuptials are gonna take place at a private ceremony but theres gonna be some hardcore partying afterwards. Well we are talking about the BFF of all the celebutantes here..Of course he s goin to celebrate..I love him, and his designs.. He turns everything gold he touches.. I wish them the best of luck.. They are both pretty good looking btw:)

19 Ağustos 2009 Çarşamba

Jesus Luz

Madonna`nin citir sevgilisi Jesus Luz Brezilyali Ona Saez markasinin yeni yuzu olmus. Hos pozlar vermis. Sirtindaki Jesus Luz dovmesine ve elindeki I love Jesus kupasina bakilirsa ana kralice Madonna`nin ozguven fazlaligi ona da bulasmis.

Madonna` s recent boytoy Jesus Luz is the new face of Brazilian brand Ona Saez. I personally think that the reason he is so big right now is cuz of Madge.. But he should milk it as long as he can before Madonna finds a new unknown hot model...

15 Ağustos 2009 Cumartesi

Chuck&Blair for ELLE

Cok bisey demeye gerek yok, Chuck ve Blair yine is basinda.. Hangi ay oldugunu bilmedigimiz bir Elle sayisi icin poz vermisler cok iyi yapmislar...

Chuck and Blair heating things up again.. A preview shot of a future issue of Elle was released. This is going to make Chuck/Blair fans very happy, like me;)

14 Ağustos 2009 Cuma


Sephora magazalari yeni bir urun cikartmis. Dovmesi olanlar icin bence cok guzel bir urun. Dovmenizi gecici olarak silen bu urun, hem suya dayanikli, hemde kiyafetlerinize bulasmiyor ve resimdeki tarzda bir goruntu kirliligini ortadan bir sureligine kaldiriyor.

So Sephora and Kat Von D came up with this tattoo concelaer. Its waterproof and doesnt get smothered all over your clothes either. So i think its great to cover that proof of drunk nights while you are walking down the aisle hehe

Justin & Givenchy

Gonullerimizin tacsiz krali Justin Timberlake Givenchy ile bir araya gelmis erkekler icin parfum uretmis. Adi Play ve 2009 sonbaharda satisa sunulucakmis. Tum unluler parfum cikariyor bence Justin`in parfumu cogundan daha basarili olucaktir.

So Justin is bringing sexy back with his new men`s cologne called Play. He collaborated with Givenchy and will be available in department stores in Fall 2009. Hott!

13 Ağustos 2009 Perşembe

Viagra Ice Cream?

Ingiltere de yeni bir dondurma cesidi cikmis. Viagra dondurma! Adi da Vice cream imis..Icinde istah(!) arttirici Gingko Biloba, guarana ve arigine bitki ozleri bulunyormus. (viagra yok yani) 12 Pound fiyatinda Selfridges magazalarinda satilacak dondurma kisi basi 1 adetmis. 17 lik kizlarla evlenenTurk isadamlarina duyurulur:) Bu arada bu urun 18+

Selfrdiges is introducing new kind of ice cream called Viagra ice crem= Vicecream. It s an ice cream coctail including ingredients to get you in the mood such as Guarana, Gingko Biloba and arigine. It will be served to customer that are 18 and older and will only be served one per person. And its green as one would think it d be blue:)

No Photoshop

Unlu moda fotografcisi Peter Lindbergh, Eylul ayinin Bazaar sayfalarinda cok unlu modellerimizi photoshopsuz resmetmis. Cindy ve Claudia yillara meydan okuyorlar fakat Amber Valetta ve Helena Christensen icin ayni seyleri diyemeyecegim malesef..

So world known fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh is sick of presenting women like `objects from Mars` so he refused to apply major photoshop for september issue of Bazaar. I think the top 2 looks hideous while bottom 2 look more refreshed than ever. I like it..

10 Ağustos 2009 Pazartesi

Blair Waldorf turns 50

Bizim Gossip Girl Blair imizi alip, 50 yasina gondermisler.. Nicin boyle bir sey yapmis dergi anlamadim.. Ama bence biraz makyaji abartip oldugundan cirkin gostermisler sevgili Blair`imizi :(

So Bazaar decided to turn the ever evil Blair witch into a 50 year old woman..Bad idea.. Awful make up skills i say... You know shes gonna look hotter when she turns 50!!! She is Blair Waldorf for God s sake

Susan Boyle w/ Bazaar

Bizim su meshur sesli ingiliz Susan Boyle`ye ne olmus boyle:) Bazaar dergisi almis kendisiyle roportaj yapmis, hayat nasil gidiyor neler yapiyorunuz diye, yeni halime inanamiyorum demis.. Bizde!

Reality star turned singing sensation is on Bazaar this month. She looks more glamorous than ever. She had a total makeover too apparently. We love our SuBo:)

Backpacks are commin back

Bildigimiz sirt cantalari 2010 Ilkbahar-Yaz sezonlarinda boy gostermeye basladi. Ne ozelligi var ? Hic.. Ama moda bize sirt cantasi geri geliyor diyorsa vardir bi bildikleri..J Crew olsun, Calvin Klein yada Eastpak.. Yola devam

Backpacks are apparently making a comeback on Spring 2010 runways.. Especially for men.. Just dont get rid of your college friend yet then:)

Mark Ronson for Gucci

Meshur produktor Mark Ronson ( DJ Samantha Ronson`un abisi) Gucci icin sneakerlar tasarlamaya baslamis. Kendisi iyi bir spor ayakkabi koleksiyoncusu oldugu icin Gucci dizayniri Frida Giannini ile tanisinca aninda elektrik yakalamislar ve bu koleksiyonu uretmisler. Her sneaker ozel olup yaninda muzik cdsi ile geliyor. Sinirli zamanda ve sadece belli basli Berlin, Tokyo , LA gibi magazalarda satilacakmis..Hic heveslenmeyin derim ben o yuzden..

Samantha Ronson`s producer big brother Mark Ronson started designing sneakers for Gucci. Its going to be a unique collection and will be around for a limited time. Each sneaker is unique for that store and comes with a music CD. Look out if your living in LA , Berlin, Tokyo metropolitans..

What`s on my Ipod?

Jay Z - D.O.A. ( Death of Autotune).....

Books = Kindle

Simdi ulkemize henuz giris yapmamis bir urunden bahsediyoruz. Amazon.com dan Kindle. Evde, berberde, sporda, metroda..kitap okumanin yeni stili..Kucuk bir bilgisayar ekranina begendiginiz kitabi satin alip, bu ince ve hafif aksesuari tasiyarak heryerde kitap okuyabiliyorsunuz..
Bence alinir.. fiyati 299 dolar..kitaplarda 8 den 20 dolara kadar deigisiyor. Ama murekkebin, sayfalarin kokusu, dokunma hissi derseniz onu da anlarim :)

So Amazon Kindle hasnt showed up in Turkey yet..I think its a very nice gadget if your a bookworm.. Easy to carry around and very stylish with nice colorful covers.. Its like ipod for books. But if you like the authentic print and the paper smell thats a different story..

Grey`s Anatomy

Hangisi gidiyor, hangisi kaliyor derken, kacinilmaz son burda..TR Knight nam-i diger 007 George 2009 sonbaharda Grey s anatomy e donmeyecegini acikladi...Son sezon hem Katherine Heigl yani Izzie hem George ikisi de komadaydi ve hangisinin donecegi belli degildi.. Artik George suz bir Grey s anatomy nasil olur gorecegiz.. :(

So apparently George O Malley wasnt given enough screen time on Grey s anatomy he decided to leave. Last episode was left with open ended questions such as , is Izzie dieing? Or George is gone to the army? I personally think Katherine Heigl is a bitch so i d rather see her leave than TR Knight..

Blondes have more fun

Digiturk sayesinde bizimde hayatimiza girmis olan Kim Kardashian Teen Choice odulleri gecesine sarisin haliyle geldi.. Bence mukemmel olmus, bazen risk almak guzel...Esmer tenine bal regni rofleler cok hos olmus bence.. Bu yaz uygulamak gerek..

Bootylicious Kim Kardashian goes for blonde locks at the Teen Choice awards.. I think she looks lovely... Its a nice summer look especially with her skin tone.. I think its nice to try new things with your hair at times..

9 Ağustos 2009 Pazar

Coco & Lily Allen

Ilk ciktigi zaman ne kadar yeni bir ses ve enerji diye dusunmustuk kendisi icin..
Lily Allen zamanla sohretin basamaklarini tirmanip Kate Moss la eglencelere basladigindan beri muzik disinda herseyi yapiyor..Iste ornek, Chanel cantalarini takmis koluna reklama cikmis.Bence hic olmamis..Markanin adina tarihine emanetine saygisizlik hatta..

Here is another pop star turned train wreck Lily Allen. Promoting Chanel handbags in a very cheap Audrey Hepburn style.. I thought Chanel meant elegance, class and legacy.. No go for me

UGGs makin a comeback? They never left

Ugglar in modasi ha gecti ha gececek alsammi almasammi derken, 2004 te ilk aldigim ugglar aklima geldi. Ve 2 hafta once new yorktayken gordum de UGG hastaligi hic bitmeyecek, universiteli, is kadini, cocuk, erkek farketmiyor.. Ugg giyen bir erkek gorunce boynuna sarilasim geliyoo.. Bakiniz Tori Spelling in kocasi..

So it looks like Uggs are gonna be around like foreverrr..I bought my first pair in 2004, and i just bought my 3rd pair last week in NYC.. either ur a celebrity, a stockbroker or a man, its another must have.. Esp for snowy weather, or beachy states like CA i guess...i m a sucker for ugg loving men btw:)

They should be called must-pants

Disarda, okulda, markette, kuaforde, alisveriste, sporda kisacasi esofman altlari her yerde... Ben Victoria`s Secret in her sezon koleksiyonunda bulunan bol paca kirmizi bir esofman alti aldim.. Caddede poposunda PINK yazili bir esofman alti gorurseniz o benim.. Eski yeni demeden bir tane daha edinin..

So everything VS does is buyable right? So is PINK.. I bought these real comfy flare sweat pants in red. I think its every season thing..U have to have sweatpants.. its a must in a girl s closet i say:)

When did Mischa become the has been?

Tamam o gonullerin prensesiydi The OC ile, ne zaman alkol, uyusturucu ve psikolojik sorunlar ucgenine daldi bilemeyiz. Ama gectigimiz 2 hafta boyunca bir klinige yatip, psikolojik tedavi goren aktristimiz yeni show setine donmus bile. Umariz sansi yaver gider ve bir geri donsu yapabilir sicak kumlardan serin sulara..

Ever Lovely Miss Mischa Barton checked into a pychiatric ward 2 weeks ago. We hear she is all recuperated and back to work. Her new series is commin out on CW, lets hope she makes a great comeback from the hot summer days of the OC :)

Edward Cullen is my HERO :)

Twilight cilginligini duymayan kalmadi sanirim artik. Rob un hastasiyizzz..Siradaki 2ci film New Moon 20 Kasim 2009 da ABD de gosterime girecek. Tum dilegimiz ulkemizdede ayni zamanda vizyona girmesi ve o turuncu sari lenslerin tadini biraz daha cikaralim :)

So is everyone in love with Rob Pattinson and Twilight yet or not? So the sequel New Moon comes out on November 20th..Cant wait..Lets hope its a world release date.. I love you Rob, sorry Kristen no love for you here :(


Bir stil ikonu, hayat tarzi, yeme, icme ve muzik konusunda bir site kurarsa ne yapmak gerek, e tabi ki de takip etmek gerek. http://www.goop.com/ Gwyneth Paltrow`un en yakin arkadasi Michael Stipe ve Sef arkadasi Emeril den aldigi tuyolari yayinladigi websitesi..Tavsiye edilir

So what happens fashionista Gwyneth Paltrow launches a lifestyle blog. U follow..damn right. http://www.goop.com/ If you wanna be as elegant and fresh looking as her, wear what she wears, or at least eat what she eats. Lots of advice from pros like Chris Martin- Coldplay and Michael Stipe- REM..yeah!

8 Ağustos 2009 Cumartesi

Mascara - 3rd Milenium Edition

Titresimli maskaralar bu yazin yeni trendi, Estee Lauder`dan Maybelline`e, Lancome`dan Covergirl`e kadar her marka titresimli mascarayi biz bayanlarin hizmetine sundu. Ama gercekten ihtiyacimiz varmi? Ortalama 18 yasimizdan beri surekli makyaj yapan bizler ztn usta degilmiyiz artik her konuda?? Hayir diyorsaniz 34 dolara satisa sunulan Lancome Oscillation dan bir tane edininiz..

Vibrating mascara? Really? are we that lazy..Havent we been around the block already and know all the tricks.. We been doin the same thing since we were teens...I really dont think its that of a big deal but major corporations are pushing the agenda very far as usual... Its 34 bucks for Lancome edition.. Considering a really decent mascara will only cost you half of that in Sephora. Just think!

Burberry & Emma Watson

Harry Potter filmlerinin vazgecilmez Hermione karakteri Burberry nin 2009 sonbahar kis kampanyasinin yuzu.. Styling sac makyaj hersey guzel, peki 19 yasindaki bir kiz Burberry nin ikon haline glemis trenckotu icinde ne kadar al beni diye sesini duyurabilir?

So ok lovely wizard Miss Hermione is the new Burberry face of 09 Fall Winter ad campaign..Shes grown up a lot and all ( she looks amazing btw) but does she have enough `it` factor to sell the iconic nova -check lined trenchcoats ? Only time will tell...and NO its not only prestige for famous people to take place in fashion house campaigns.. theres always gonna be numbers and figures and targets to keep up with..

7 Ağustos 2009 Cuma

Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton`un cektigi ve Johnny Depp in oynamadigi bir film dusunun..Evet yok denecek kadar az.. 5 mart 2010 da cocuklugumuzun hikayesi sinemalarda..

Another special FX creation in our hands thanks to genious Tim Burton and his awesome ways ot story telling..Alice in Wonderland is in theaters on 3.5.2010..Of course Johnny and his beloved wife Helena Bonham-Carter are starring..Cant wait to see:)

Roger Federer - the proud parent

15 Kere erkeklerde grand slam title kazanmis olan Roger Federer ikiz kiz babasi oldu. 2000 yilindan beriberaber oldugu Mirka ile ikiz kizlarina Myla ve Charlene isimlerini vermis..
Gelecegin Serena-Venus Williams larimi dogdu acaba!?!

Roger Federer (yes the one cried like a baby in AUS Open after he lost to Rafa) has won 15 grand slam titles in singles man, has become a proud parent of twin girls names Myla and Charlene. Hes been with that OK looking chick named Mirka since 2000. I bet they ll be pro tennis players by the time they are 4:)


Discovery Channel in 1987 den beri Temmuz veya Agustos aylarinda tum haftayi kopekbaliklari ve onlarin hayatiyla ilgili programlara ayirdiklari hafta. Yillardan beri artan fanatikleri var bu haftanin..
Discovery Channel`s Shark Week, first aired in summer of 1987 is a week-long series of feature tv programs dedicated to sharks.Its held annually normally in July or August.

Tulane University

Talk show host u Elen DeGeneres seviyorsaniz bu mezuniyet konusmasini mutlaka dinleyin, hayatla ilgili cok guzel ve komik tuyolar veriyor, muhtesemmm

I bet you all know stand up comedian and talk show host ( also a proud lesbian) Ellen Degeneres gives a very touchin commencement speech at Tulane 09 commencement. Ch ch ch check it out!
